Friday 10 April 2009

The Journey... and a plea

So RISE Project is established. We've been through the period where we could have been labeled as a 'gimic', a 'phase' or a 'one-off'. We are here to stay.

Antrim needs us. Needs the Church. Needs us Jesus. People talk about an 'Irresistable Revolution' or a 'Jesus Generation'. But ask most of the people in our town what this is, and they'll say they have seen no evidence of change.
If we are to talk the talk we have to walk the walk. Put our words into action and do something for the cause.

Imagine a room full of gas. A man walks into the room, shuts the door and takes out something from his pocket. It seems to be a box of matches. With an air of confidence he takes out the only match left in the box. With one strike of the match, it creates a spark and the room is filled with fire.
Now imagine Antrim, filled with the Holy Spirit it needs us to be the match which sparks a fire which will burn the hatred and evil out of peoples hearts and replace it with love, grace, compassion.

The journey so far...

RISE Youth Event :: Antrim Baptist :: 28/11/08
80 young people
11 different churches
5 different denominations
25 young people directly involved in organising and running

RISE Cafe :: Antrim Elim :: 30/01/09
40 young people
6 different churches
a night where young people mingled with those of other churches

RISE Prayer Room :: Antrim YMCA :: 13-15/03/09
61 People praying
10 different churches/organisations represented
different generations and ages

Now we need you again to bring about the success of our fourth event. RISE is having it's second Youth Event, in a different church. Muckamore Presbyterian Church is our venue. The target people we want to reach is young people on the fringes of Church and Christianity, those who may have gone to Church before, have friends who are Christians, and those who have slipped away...
Tomorrow night we need you to bring these people, tell others to and bring yourself if you think you are this person. We want to show those who come through the door that God is good. By hearing stories, enjoying food and laughing together to the craziness, we hope they'll see that there's more to Church and Christianity than what they've always thought.

The vision is simple. Antrim will rise...

Ben (

Saturday 31 January 2009


Last night was a bit different. We had planned, organised and targeted RISE Cafe for those who don't know Jesus. But, it ended up changing.

To look across a room full of mostly Christians from different churches enjoying the free buns and free coffee was amazing. Maybe God had decided that this wasn't ever meant to be an outreach event, maybe we just did it wrong. Either way we were happy with what had happened that night.

We want to say a big thank you to everybody helped out. From those who baked, to those who gave us the venue, those who cleaned, those who performed, those who sand, those who came, those who gave and those who prayed. Without any of such people RISE Cafe could never have happened.

Maybe we are helping a wee bit to the uniting of Churches. It's far bigger than RISE. Such a feat takes a long time and a lot of work, but if we can help along the process than that's great!
Maybe having young people in the same room from different churches was enough. Maybe sharing coffee and buns was even better, maybe having a team of young people to help out at RISE, which is growing and developing, is another thing to take out of last night.

With this second event, RISE is growing. We look forward to 13th March for the weekend of 24 hour prayer.

Antrim will rise...

Wednesday 3 December 2008


We have our next event already!!!

Venue: Antrim Elim Youth Basement
Date: 30th January 2008
Time: 5pm until 11pm
Music: Walls Need Gates (Acoustic)

This event will be an outreach cafe which will run as a drop-in type idea from 5pm until 11pm. We're also going to have comedy skits, Paul Mason sharing his testimony, an acoustic set from Walls Need Gates who will play secular music only. We want to create a comfortable and familiar environment for those who aren't Christians so that they will stay and enjoy a chilled out night.

We're asking as many people as possible to bake tray bakes, scones and cakes, and bring as much coffee, tea and other drinks as possible! But don't cook them just yet!

So, Friday Night was the first one and by tonight we already have our next event. God is good.

We're asking as many Christians as possible to come and bring friends that don't know Jesus, and encourage others to do the same. We aim to reach out to those who are in darkness and show them a way into the light.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

RISE Youth Event 28.11.08 Photos

Check out the photos... if you have any yourself, get in contact!

Saturday 29 November 2008

Our First Event!

Friday 28th November 2008 begins a landmark because it is the very first RISE Project Event!

Over 80 young people...
from atleast 11 different churches...
and different ages...
more than 20 young people actively involved in running and organising the event...
resources shared between 6 different churches...
all coming for one purpose, one goal...
to make His name famous in Antrim...
and to bring out His light in Antrim's darkness.

email to be added to the mailing list for newsletters, news and more info on how to get involved!!!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Complete Illumination

In preparing for the RISE Prayer Meeting tonight, I cam across this quote. It really puts what we do in perspective...

"If we become completely whole-hearted we will have love for all people and will seek in each person what is most holy, what God has inspired in him or her.
And only then will there be no danger of softening or twisting our witness. Why? Because the capacity of our faith will no longer be narrow. If we are not broadhearted, we have not yet grasped the meaning of faith.
We must always be ready to be newly led in our faith, even through the tiniest atom of godliness we find in others. It is that which leads us to the kingdom of God.
We affirm that there is something of God in all people -- something of the light. It may only gleam now, but it will eventually lead to complete illumination."
Eberhard Arn

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Antrim Guradian Newspaper Report

Antrim Guradian Newspaper Article taken today, November 27 2008:


A CHRISTIAN youth movement from Antrim is to hold its first meeting this Friday (28).

RISE, which was launched in October, is aiming to 'bring the youth of Antrim together, regardless of denomination or church building'.

The meeting will be held in Antrim Baptist Church at 7.30pm but early arrival has been advised.

the group's mission statement reads: "RISE is a project which aims to helps us become the people we were created to be: young men and young women who love Jesus and want to be part of bringing positive change in thee town we live in.
"We long to see the energy, enthusiasm and passion of young people fuel this revolution. We want to show Jesus in a real and physical way for his fame."

RISE began with three 18-year-old - Jonny Solari, who attends Antrim Baptist Church, Ben Connolly, who attends 1st Prsebyterian, and Colin Hill, who also attends Antrim Baptist Church.

They say they want to bring the different denominations and churches in Antrim together, stressing that the project is also non-denominational and does not represent and Church community in Antrim.

As a project they hope to hold many different events in the next year. Fun days, cafe outreach, band nights, fundraisers and other event swhich will be organised by different people from differen churches.

By getting young people from different churches involved in decorating, welcoming, playing in the band and more, their aim is that relationships between churches will be developed so that they can become united in the wrok that they do inside and outside their church buildings.

At Friday's event, the band, 'Walls Need Gates', will lead praise and speaker, Matthew Boyd will give a message to those who attend.

Although this initial event is still going through preparation, there are young people from nine different churches and denominations directly involved in playing a part. They have also estimated that many more young people involved from different churches.

The project has requested help from the churches in the area for the first event, through financial aid, electrial equipment, youth leaders, young people and other resources, but especially prayer.

"We hope to make this youth event a regular one in the town, and use the church buildings as a venue for these," said Jonny Solari.
"Ben, Colin and I are excited about the first event but are looking nto the future too, so if aany churches would like to allow us to use theri building as a venue please get in touch."

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