So RISE Project is established. We've been through the period where we could have been labeled as a 'gimic', a 'phase' or a 'one-off'. We are here to stay.
Antrim needs us. Needs the Church. Needs us Jesus. People talk about an 'Irresistable Revolution' or a 'Jesus Generation'. But ask most of the people in our town what this is, and they'll say they have seen no evidence of change.
If we are to talk the talk we have to walk the walk. Put our words into action and do something for the cause.
Imagine a room full of gas. A man walks into the room, shuts the door and takes out something from his pocket. It seems to be a box of matches. With an air of confidence he takes out the only match left in the box. With one strike of the match, it creates a spark and the room is filled with fire.
Now imagine Antrim, filled with the Holy Spirit it needs us to be the match which sparks a fire which will burn the hatred and evil out of peoples hearts and replace it with love, grace, compassion.
The journey so far...
RISE Youth Event :: Antrim Baptist :: 28/11/08
80 young people
11 different churches
5 different denominations
25 young people directly involved in organising and running
RISE Cafe :: Antrim Elim :: 30/01/09
40 young people
6 different churches
a night where young people mingled with those of other churches
RISE Prayer Room :: Antrim YMCA :: 13-15/03/09
61 People praying
10 different churches/organisations represented
different generations and ages
Now we need you again to bring about the success of our fourth event. RISE is having it's second Youth Event, in a different church. Muckamore Presbyterian Church is our venue. The target people we want to reach is young people on the fringes of Church and Christianity, those who may have gone to Church before, have friends who are Christians, and those who have slipped away...
Tomorrow night we need you to bring these people, tell others to and bring yourself if you think you are this person. We want to show those who come through the door that God is good. By hearing stories, enjoying food and laughing together to the craziness, we hope they'll see that there's more to Church and Christianity than what they've always thought.
The vision is simple. Antrim will rise...
Ben (ben@riseantrim.com)